Thursday, 19 June 2014

Why having a good memory is the best gift of all

"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December"

This post is inspired by a friend of mine, with whom I had an amazing conversation with recently.  We were discussing what it means to hold on to hope and inspiration, when everything in front of you is saying otherwise. I'm sure there are so many that can relate to that season; where your challenging circumstances seem to speak way louder than the hopeful conviction that you started out with.

 I've definitely been there a number of times in my own life. Those dry seasons; those sad seasons; those desperate seasons; what are they there for, and how do we find our joy and hope again in the midst of them? This is where having a good memory is invaluable.

Imagine this for a moment:
 You are climbing a very steep, treacherous mountain. Your hands are burning, your knuckles are bleeding. Your body aches from the strain of exertion. The sun is beating down on you full force and the height that you have climbed to is making you dizzy. You feel disoriented and way more like a worm than a mountain slayer. You can't go back down because you are way too far up now to quit, but you are really not sure if you can make it to the top, and furthermore, you can't even see the top! All you want to do is lay your head against those rough rocks and cry..... give up....... get airlifted out, maybe? Now, imagine that you turn your head away from the mountain you are climbing. You look across the scene that is laid out before you. You see mountain after mountain after mountain that you have already come over! Each one is progressively bigger and more challenging than the last one. You conquered those! You mastered those! You made it to the top! How did you forget that?

Sometimes that's what life is like. We are given some really overwhelming challenges that seem unconquerable, and it is so easy to forget how much we have overcome so far, and how blessed we really are. So many times in my life when I have faced difficult circumstances, it was the remembrance of the obstacles I've overcome that gave me the courage and stamina to keep going.

 I believe we are given challenges in life to grow us, to transform us, and to make us the people God intended for us to be. I think that sometimes our challenges become progressively harder, because we are becoming stronger and need more weight added to build our "muscles" up. To be an overcomer we need thick skin and broad shoulders, and that only comes from climbing those mountains. Think of it as a promotion!

What mountains have you overcome? Have you accessed the gift of memory lately to help remind you of all you have faced and overcome? Take some time today and do that. Remember where you've come from, and let it inspire you to keep climbing the mountain you are on now. I guarantee you will find hope and encouragement in the remembering.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Gloomy January

Do you ever notice how shiny, glittery, and exceptional December can be? I had to shop for groceries on the day before Christmas Eve, and EVERYONE I looked at in that store was SMILING. It was the oddest, loveliest, most bizarre thing. I had prepared myself to go into the mouth of the lion, surrounded by Christmas Eve madness, with people at a frenetic, agitated peak; and instead I got.... pleasant!....... I loved it. People were happy, and positive about the upcoming Christmas celebrations, and the atmosphere felt, well, nice!

 Fast Forward to now. Things aren't quite as shiny. I notice that people are keeping their heads down a lot and just kind of coping. I call that the "post Christmas let-down effect". I have to admit, I was a little reluctant to get back into the swing of things myself; the rest, relaxation, and time with family and friends was really rich. It never fails that January kind of feels a little gloomy. Here in this region, it's pretty cold and harsh as far as weather, and that can get pretty tiring after awhile.

I believe however, that there is a way to find joy and delight in the gloom, though. For years, January and February were my worst months as far as fighting depression was concerned. The lack of sunlight really affected me.

Hopefully some of these tools that helped me, can also give you some energy towards a personal upswing during a tough season:

Get outside. Lots:
No matter what it takes, get outside for a half hour to an hour every day. The walls of  our houses close in real tight around this time of year. It's just too easy to be sedentary, and stay indoors day after day when the wind chill is like, -400. It's actually quite refreshing if you bundle up and get moving. Go sledding, strap on a pair of snowshoes, skate, walk, make Snow Angels, build a snowman. Anything to haul your butt out the door. You need the fresh air. Oh my word, I sound like my mother. Remember when our moms used to kick us outside every single day to play no matter what the weather?? We were allowed to come in to eat, or when our cheeks were permanently damaged from frostbite, and ONLY then??? Ya, well I'm doing that to you now. Bam. 

Talk to Someone:
A lot of people fight the winter blues this time of year. It's really tempting to go into hibernation mode in this season, but that actually has a counter-productive effect. Isolating yourself for too long produces loneliness. Loneliness breeds discouragement. You can convince yourself of a lot of crazy stuff when you have no one to bounce it off of. You may end up really encouraging someone too; which is always a blessing.

Surround Yourself With Positive People:
When you are weak, it's easy to get drawn into the drama and negativity that is around. If you feel like you are in too vulnerable a place to deflect that kind of energy, make sure to get around those who regularly choose to speak life, live positively, and extend grace, and peace. 
You are who you hang out with(another Momism).

Reach Out to Others:
I have to say, this one is the most powerful force in my life. The basic premise is this; you give out of your need, and from that, the joy starts to flow again. I am living proof of that. The one way that you can pull yourself out of a real introspective rut, is to fix your eyes on someone else besides yourself and your circumstances. Don't wait till you have the energy and motivation; it comes as you give. Encouraging others in their own struggles, will bring you great encouragement.

Get Physical:
Olivia Newton-John had it right; exercise helps!!! Oh great.... now I have "Let's Get Physical" stuck in my head......

Let God Give You Peace:
God understands what you are going through, and wants to help. You may not be sure how to approach Him; that doesn't really matter. I'm just myself when I talk to Him. I'm honest, and real, vulnerable and raw. I don't try to be flowery, articulate, or intellectual. And you know what? He listens, answers, and comforts.

Find The Beauty In The Broken:
Sometimes when you are gloomy, it can feel like something is broken. Take some time to see the beauty that is around you in this difficult season. I love how the snow sparkles after it falls; I take pictures of the crystal-like frost on the tree branches; the blue sky is so vivid when the ground is so white. Make sure to include gratitude for the beauty you are seeing; it will transform your heart. Thankfulness can literally turn around a negative perspective. What are you thankful for?  

Finally, if you think that you may be really depressed; make an appointment with your doctor, or a counselor. Sometimes this can be caused by a chemical imbalance that can be corrected through medication. No shame; if you had diabetes, would you take insulin to stay healthy? Then, why the stigma and shame around medication for depression?
A counselor can help you work through underlying issues that might be causing a deeper depression. Wounds from the past, unprocessed trauma, and unforgiveness can cause depression, and a good counselor can help you work through some of these things.

Soon, it will be spring. The flowers will be blooming, the sun will shine again. Until then, don't give up hope, and don't give in to the gloom!
Peace to all.