Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Facing Fear

The image above is one my husband took when living out his dream of diving with the Great White Sharks off the coast of South Africa. Even though he was totally thrilled by the whole experience, one thing he was surprised by was his fear. Looking into the eyes of those obvious predators gave him the chills. He said it was the first time in his life he knew he could be easily destroyed in an instant. He chose to dive in anyway.  It's one of the things I admire most about him. He has never backed down from fear, and will never let it rule him.
 My friend gave me a great acronym for fear:


Now, in the case of the Great White Shark firing his evil glare at my hubby, the danger was pretty real. However, there were many safety mechanisms put in place to keep him from harm, and he chose to trust those.
So many times I've listened to the voice of fear and simply backed down--- even cowered in the presence of that false evidence. It's so demoralizing.
 Writing this blog is part of my decision to intentionally live a life that looks fear in the eyes and says, " I will not be a slave to you, nor will I let you be the loudest and most convincing voice in my life".



  1. Jenn... I look forward to hearing more of your heart & voice through your blog!! Well done girl!!!

  2. Brenda,
    You and I are lovers of words, aren't we? Thanks for the encouragement :)

  3. Jenn, what a great first post!! I have definitely felt those moments of slipping into fear, especially of change and being out of my comfort zone. I love the acronym....it's amazing how something that is not real can feel like it can rule us! I love your line "I will not be a slave to you.." Isn't that just the adventure of life? To keep moving forward, nit being a slave to fear but to embrace the change and the chaos and the mess..
    Thanks for putting it into words like only you can! I look forward to future posts!

    1. Car, you are such a great example of a woman who overcomes fear all the time! You go where " no woman has gone before!". This is a daily choosing, I think. Choosing the truth instead of sometimes a very convincing lie. Even if it means a little , or a LOT of change, chaos and mess, it's worth it!!
